Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing refers to the use of social media to increase your business sales through brand development, building relationships, and inducing web traffic.
Whether you are looking to build brand awareness, increase your customer engagement, drive more sales or acquire more customers, our social media marketing services provide end-to-end capability to help you achieve your goals.
Improve your acquisition
Reduce Advertising cost
Reach new qualified buyers

Facebook has become one of the most efficient tools to advertise online as Facebook ads help your business reach over 2 million users worldwide. Although traditional PPC advertising on its own can help you get more business, Facebook ads can be more powerful and catchy and will certainly do wonders for your business.

Instagram advertising is a method of posting ads or contents on Instagram platform to reach a larger and more targeted audience. With Instagram ads, your business can drive awareness and increase customer base through visuals.

Twitter is a social media and online news platform where people communicate in short messages . With the right marketing plan, we can use the platform to create successful social media campaigns to increase sales, boost brand recognition and increase customer service. Twitter is a social media and online news platform where people communicate in short messages.

LinkedIn for business allows you to build credibility, create meaningful networks. It's a right and professional platform to drive brand awareness and quality engagement with professional audiences

Types of Social Media Ads:
Photo Ads
Video Ads
Carousel Ads
Stories Ads
Why Social Media Advertising?
Drive Awareness of your business, products, services or app
Provide more information about your products/services to your potential customers
Increase product sale, more mobile app downloads and get even new customers
We can make your ads reach the exact audience on the basis of Location, Demographic, Interests, Behaviors, Custom Audiences, Lookalike Audiences and Automated Targeting to help generate more business.

Type of Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing can be divided into two parts:
1. Organic Social Media Management
Organic social media marketing refers to any social media activity that works without a paid promotion. Social media marketing firms use free tools to build engagement and grow brand awareness.
2. Paid Social Media Management
Paid social media marketing refers to any social media activity that is affected by paid advertising. Social media marketing firms advertise or promote business through paid advertisements.